Tuesday 20 September 2011


This is a poster we have purchased , the quote is of huge significance and reminds not only our audience what stands in their way but youth in general and our protagonist ; themselves. We chose Usain bolt purposely firstly because of his race making him an admirational figure for black youth and secondly for his achievments ; being the fastest human on this planet.His achievements speak for themselves and tell our audience that anything can be achieved and "you dont have to listen" to the negativity in your head which prevents you from progression and prosperity. This posters size was purposely big to show that this is the protagonists most valued poster and the most important to him reflected by its size. The posture Usain bolt is pictured in this image also shows the joy and freedom one has when he overcomes the barriers before him. Less than fifty years ago this man could have been racially abused and not allowed to run and more than a hundred years ago he could have been a slave ; "look at him now!" is what our poster emits to our audience and to our protagonist.

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