Saturday, 10 September 2011

LoveField - Short Film Analysis

The first thing shown on screen is the production logo which consists of a surrounding glow, this may reflect its great significance and remind the audience who the credit for this film should be awarded to.As well as this the glow may also be related to the logos star which insinuates their productions are out of this world or guide viewers (as stars do).When this is happening a loud space like sound is given off simultaniously followed by three slow piano notes.Following this is a extreme long shot which establishes the location , a deserted field and the films title is portrayed boldly in white. The area's deserted nature is not only shown visually by the limitless fields of weat in the primary shot but also by sounds such as a strong wind and that of an open mobile phone beeping (which connotes that someone tried to call for help but failed due to a lack of signal) .Even before this however it is clarified by the sign which reads 'HEDREN HILL COUNTY/ BISHOPSVILLE 13' informing us that the closest civilisation 'BISHOPSVILLE' is 13 miles away. Following this is a close up of a crow , a creature commonly assosiated with death and deserted lands that elevates the films sinister mood. The crow is also making a sound as if it is trying to call help or panicking. Close ups are used to show both the phone and an open bag with money scattered on the ground implying that some sort of resistance went on or overpowerment. At this moment in time a women is heard screaming painfully and a close up of her hand grabbing the wheat is shown. The camera then moves diagonally maintaining a close-up shot  and passes some female under wear which was once white but has now turned red due to blood. the next thing to enter the screen is the womens foot which is clenching and is also covered in blood, as it slowely stops moving and the music is similarly carmed a sharp loud noise is heard and a male hand stabs the ground aggresvily with a knife. This shocks the viewer and makes us reaffirm our initial ideas of a rape occuring. The male's blood covered hand and tattooed arm are next shown in a tracking motion . Two of the tattoos on his arm are made clear , that of a heart and another of a skull. The skull may suggest he is a pirate like outlaw, a murderer or a racist who has admiration for the ss. The heart although it usually has positive connotations may in this case (due to what judgements the audience has made already) insinuate that he is a rapist or that he needs love and will go to any length to get it. Following this the male characters appearence is divulged , he is a stereotypical killer somthing of resemblence to the chainsaw massacre protagonist and his custome (that of a farmer also confroms with these conventions). After this the crow is heard cawwing and this diverts the protagonists attention from his 'victim' causing him to run out of the field at a panicky speed looking down the road maybe frightened the crow will fly to alert someone.At this time fast pace music creates a rise in tension as he reaches a car (supposidely his) to find something to cover the body with...or so we think. In fact he is going into the womens car to find a blanket with which to hold the baby with. Although not noticed at first , the cars real possesor is revealed discretly when he opens the boot ; he uses the wrong key on his first attempt which is seemingly done out of panic. It is fully revealed at the end when an establishing shot unveils the tractor on the field which we now acknowledge belongs to the farmer.After failing to find a blanket and instead retreiving a black plastic bag (commonly used in homosides to transport bodies) which reinforces his intention to expose of the evidence. As he runs back and an a climax is reached his movement then slows down and suddenly the atmosphere is transformed as the screen brighens up and a babies cry is heard. This comes across as a pleasent shock to the audience and gives us a sense of satisfaction and relief. The music and use of color's synergy creates a unawaited and impressive twist.

The way in which this short film inspired us was through its dramatic twist and use of saturation to create an atmosphere they wished the audience to feel. Another element we chose to enhance within our film was the use of sound and how the diagetic movement of objects creates suspense such as the wooden sign. This we though we could do through the squeking sound of a swing moving forward and back due to wind.The use of tattoos is also somthing we wish to include and as was the crow. Instead of a crow however we decided to use a more common creature found in the urban enviroment ; a pigeon. A bird frowned upon (like many youth today) and assosiated with the negativity of disease. Also a peasent like creature which also reflects poverty.

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