Monday, 19 September 2011

Questionnaire and interview results

The answers were very useful in many ways. We spotted out many things our target audience would like such as films with twists in it. Using the interviews and questionnaires, our group could now come up with an idea suiting all ages in our target audience, aged 16-40. We thought having a twists in our short film would be very useful and attracting with all the interview people saying so, and 80 percent of the questionnaire people said this. We also came with a conclusion of having an urban genre as 40 percent of the people that answered the questionnaire though so. However, in our questionnaire we also asked them about the most suited genre that young people produce, the top two were "action" and "urban", action making 30 percentage of the results however 40 percent for "urban". With only 10 percent difference, our group had to have a deep conversation about which genre to choose, making urban the favourable one. As 85 percent of our results and all the participants in he interview said that media portrays youth in a negative way, we thought our twists will play a part in this role making the audience feel that the young protagonists in our film will do something bad, however turns out to be he is doing something useful for the society. 90 percent of the questionnaire participants said they would like to see a better representation of young people which boosted up our idea of the twists i mentioned earlier.

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