This was our first logo design , created on a font generating website and developed on the software called paint. Although using this software may have seemed like a disadvantaged approach to the task , paint allowed us to design free hand (making the movement of objects easy) and gave us a simple platform from which we could start and experiment on what kind of logo we were looking for.
The steps which lead to the creation of this logo were as follows:
1. find an image of a 'P' shaped CCTV camera (an object which reflects paranoia and most importantly our brand identity name ; Paranoid pictures)
-After browsing the Internet for a reasonable amount of time we found a black camera which looked right. We then transferred this onto paint and used sepia (inverted color effect) to make it white and more boldly visible.
2.Find a suitable font
After searching numerous websites and countless fonts we found that his bold stencil like urban graffiti one suited best. The letters were to close together which made the title harder to read so we spaced it out and left a one space gap in between each letter to prevent this.
3.Enhance font's effectiveness
To enhance the fonts effectiveness we again inverted the colors which created a likable white rectangle around the letters and allowed us to connect two of these and the camera to form a whole rectangle like shape.
4. Combining the image and the title
This was easy. Because of earlier planning the camera fitted nicely onto the image and pulled of the 'p' which made 'paranoid' and projected our identity and purpose.
After requesting feedback from our teacher , we were advised to further develop a logo on better software and he explained to us that we could do a lot more with the logo i.e. create movement , smoke effects and animate it which would make it even more effective. From this feedback we decided that we would continue its development and call this logo our first draft which will help us track our progress and continue improving.
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