Thursday 29 March 2012

More Ideas for Film

Having watched and captured the video footage from our video tape, we came up with even more ideas that we could film in our next filming journey. We thought that as we still had to do video footage of the protagonist leaving his house, we came up with even more shots which can represent him in a bad way, portraying him as a bad youth in the community. In addition, we thought of retaking some shots as the camera was shaking. hence when we retake the shots, we will use a tripod which will make the shot even better. finally, we came up with a shot in the location that will make the short film even more exciting and tense. it is basically a shot of the protagonist jumping a high obstacle.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Poster & Magazine Diary

During this process, we took screen grabs of the process while making our poster and magazine. Petrit created the poster whilst Ali created a magazine review. We took our time in doing this as it was one of the main things we wanted to make outstanding from the other groups in Media A2.