Saturday, 5 May 2012

Feedback On Magazine

After creating our magazine, we thought we should ask some people within our school before finalising the magazine, in order to get good feedback and make changes to maximise our marks to gain a better grade for our group. firstly, we asked our media teacher, he thought it was good however we should change the background colour to white as if it was the original (black), we couldn't see the bubble outline of the pictures in the corner. With this feedback, our group had a discussion and decided to change the background to white and to use contrasting colours of red and black throughout. Secondly, we showed it to a selection of our peers, who are our target audience. They suggested that it needed more variety with the images, that they were too dark and that they needed to create more of a clear feeling about the film.With this feedback, we then sought to add images of the different time periods and shots of day and night to increase the variety. They also suggested that they would have liked to see the information more clearly, so we separated the basic info for the film in a box, so as to make this more visually accessible.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Feedback On Poster

We had many positive feedback from the poster. many said their suited the genre in many ways.
One person said that "i love the fact that you made the 'police tape', as a finishing line, hopefully others will understand it, but in my opinion that is the best object in the poster". Another person stated that he didn't really understand the concept of the poster, but after we explained it to him, about the finishing line and the block in the background, he thought it was fabulous however he thought we should make the protagonist bigger. In addition, we took time to show another b-tec media class in our school. we thought we should show them as they are experienced in poster and the design of it. they all stated that it was very good. however 2 people said that there is too much writing. one person in the class stated that the background suited the genre, and they even said "it was soo good, there is even a little twist in the poster, the police line!!
Finally, we showed our media teacher, Mr. Hull, and asked him for his personal opinion about the poster. He was stunned after he saw the poster! He said that "He's has never seen any of his students make any better poster!". After he said that, Our group was very confident terms of the poster.