Saturday, 5 May 2012

Feedback On Magazine

After creating our magazine, we thought we should ask some people within our school before finalising the magazine, in order to get good feedback and make changes to maximise our marks to gain a better grade for our group. firstly, we asked our media teacher, he thought it was good however we should change the background colour to white as if it was the original (black), we couldn't see the bubble outline of the pictures in the corner. With this feedback, our group had a discussion and decided to change the background to white and to use contrasting colours of red and black throughout. Secondly, we showed it to a selection of our peers, who are our target audience. They suggested that it needed more variety with the images, that they were too dark and that they needed to create more of a clear feeling about the film.With this feedback, we then sought to add images of the different time periods and shots of day and night to increase the variety. They also suggested that they would have liked to see the information more clearly, so we separated the basic info for the film in a box, so as to make this more visually accessible.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Feedback On Poster

We had many positive feedback from the poster. many said their suited the genre in many ways.
One person said that "i love the fact that you made the 'police tape', as a finishing line, hopefully others will understand it, but in my opinion that is the best object in the poster". Another person stated that he didn't really understand the concept of the poster, but after we explained it to him, about the finishing line and the block in the background, he thought it was fabulous however he thought we should make the protagonist bigger. In addition, we took time to show another b-tec media class in our school. we thought we should show them as they are experienced in poster and the design of it. they all stated that it was very good. however 2 people said that there is too much writing. one person in the class stated that the background suited the genre, and they even said "it was soo good, there is even a little twist in the poster, the police line!!
Finally, we showed our media teacher, Mr. Hull, and asked him for his personal opinion about the poster. He was stunned after he saw the poster! He said that "He's has never seen any of his students make any better poster!". After he said that, Our group was very confident terms of the poster.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Final Poster

The poster took the group most of the time to do. however, i believe that all the time used was very effective with a result of a 'magnificent' poster as our teacher said. The poster was different to the one created in last years media work, as we were more open minded. In addition, the background was injected, meaning our protagonist wasn't really in that block, but with the groups skills on using the software's needed, we made it as if the protagonist was in the background which gives a better feel to the audience.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

More Ideas for Film

Having watched and captured the video footage from our video tape, we came up with even more ideas that we could film in our next filming journey. We thought that as we still had to do video footage of the protagonist leaving his house, we came up with even more shots which can represent him in a bad way, portraying him as a bad youth in the community. In addition, we thought of retaking some shots as the camera was shaking. hence when we retake the shots, we will use a tripod which will make the shot even better. finally, we came up with a shot in the location that will make the short film even more exciting and tense. it is basically a shot of the protagonist jumping a high obstacle.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Poster & Magazine Diary

During this process, we took screen grabs of the process while making our poster and magazine. Petrit created the poster whilst Ali created a magazine review. We took our time in doing this as it was one of the main things we wanted to make outstanding from the other groups in Media A2.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Poster Original Images

Here are some photos we originally took and then chose the best one in order to create a very good poster. We had from many to choose, but our group sat down and looked through all of them and chose the most photo suitable to be included in the poster.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Poster Construction

Here are some screen captures we took from our Mac Book Pro to show that our group done it and we didn't copy any one else. It also shows the amount of work we had to put it in each stage:

We had many different ideas in which how out poster wanted to be like, here are our to main options in which we had to take into further action which one to choose. We asked around the school to our main target audience and they chose the top one. They said it suited more and the police tape also gave that better feeling to the poster, making the audience feel that he is doing something wrong, in which they later find out during the film that they are totally not.

Magazine Construction

Here are some screen captures from our magazine review. We decided that we wanted to have a review that captured the urban feel of our film and our poster, so we experimented with the background on Photoshop. We wanted to create a spray-painted, graffiti-like effect, and after working with the different paint brushes, we could find the desired effect. What we wanted to do was to frame the images with the spray-paint effect, so tried working with the images and editing the layer above. We placed 3 images on the document, one large one in the top right, one smaller in the bottom left and one smaller still in the bottom right. We then experimented with erasing some of the white layer above the images and found that by varying the size of the eraser tool we could achieve the desired effect. I think that it works well in creating a non-conventional, urban feel to the review and is in keeping with both the film and the poster in terms of atmosphere created.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Fast tracking shot Inspiration

This shot was inspired from the song 'stuck in slavery' ending. The song was sang by two un-signed rappers named 'ard adz' and 'shallow'. Whilst watching the song as a group, we realised that the ending shot was very catchy and thought of putting it in our short film. on the second filming day, we tried to preform this shot. both of our group members had a try and actually we thought it turned out to be very good. when we got back to the mac book pro, we inputted the video taken and however when fast forwaded, it didnt turn out to be as good as we thought as we tilted the camera too much whilst walkin, and the camera was shaking too much. Hnce, we even had a second try on the next filming day and we decided not to tilt the camera whilst walking. when we got back to the area, we saw the footage that we filmed and it turned out to be very good. Hence the music video that we watched in our group turned out to be useful and inspiring to our media group.

Here is the video where our group was inspired to do the 'fast tracking' shot. The shot is on 2:42s and is approximately 2 seconds long.

Here is our fast tracking shot which we done. We thought it turned out good after practicing how to do it on the second filming day. Although it took us time and effort to do, our group was willing to put in the commitment to create a better ending of the film with this fast tracking shot.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Filming diary 2

On the second day of our filming diary, we were also required to wake up early at 6:00, s we had to get to our location which would approximately take 50 minutes from were our group meet. We took notes with us, on what we need to film, and also what shots we have to film again from our last filming diary. Many of the shots were of the protagonist however we filmed some 'cctv' shots and the 'deal' shot. We left the main shot to last, the shot where we reveal the protagonist as a runner with his running ttrainers and his 2012 olympic shirt.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Feedback from rough cut film

After showing the rough cut of the beginning of our short film, we good some very good feedback from our audience. 5 people agreed to watch the film and give us some feedback on what they think, and how they think it could be improved. All the pparticipants claimed that the shots and angles were very good in term of our genre of the film. The also loved the location that we filmed in and the character used to be the protagonist, they said these two factors suit the genre of the film the most. They even claimed that they havent even as good shots as we used in any other A2 short film! However, 2 people said that they didnt really understand the plot of the film and what it is leading to, they advised us to change some shots in order to lead the audience in what you want them to think. They claimed if we do this, it will be one of the best twist they have ever seen from a paddington academy group of A2 students!
After we gathered this information, our group had a intense discussion in what shots to change in order to 'make the audience think what we want them to think', as one of the participants said. We came up with different ideas within our group of which shots to change and even thought about changing the order of the shots to make the twist better and create more tension into the 'hoodrat', which later in the film reveals that hes a 'runner'.

In adittion, we also created a survey from asking students from our school, what they think about footage and how do you think it could be better. We had many useful results such as; some students said that we should use the grey scale as we predicted to use in the film planning. also some students said that we should make the protagonists look more serious to create tension in the short film and so it does not reveal the twist in the film. however, most student said it was very good and if we keep working at this rate, we will hopefully recieve a greate grade in our a2 media coursework!